Unravel the Mythical Mayhem: A Review of God's Chaos Candidate Book

Unravel the Mythical Mayhem: A Review of God's Chaos Candidate Book


God's Chaos Candidate is a thought-provoking book that explores the intersection of faith and politics in America.

Discover how religion has shaped our political landscape and how it continues to impact our society today.

The book, God's Chaos Candidate by Lance Wallnau, is a captivating read that delves into the political climate of America and how it relates to biblical prophecy. The author argues that President Donald Trump was chosen by God to disrupt the political establishment and usher in a new era of prosperity for the nation. From the very first chapter, Wallnau's writing style draws the reader in with his vivid descriptions and thought-provoking ideas.

As someone who has been following American politics for the last few years, I was immediately intrigued by the title of this book. God's Chaos Candidate suggests that there is something more going on behind the scenes than what we see on the surface. Wallnau does not disappoint in this regard as he takes readers on a journey through the Bible, history, and current events to support his thesis.

One of the most compelling aspects of this book is Wallnau's ability to connect current events to biblical prophecy. He argues that America is at a crossroads and that the decisions made by its leaders will have lasting consequences for the country. This sense of urgency is palpable throughout the book and kept me engaged from beginning to end.

Another strength of God's Chaos Candidate is the author's use of personal anecdotes and experiences. Wallnau shares stories from his own life that help to illustrate his points and make the book feel more relatable. It is clear that he is passionate about his subject matter and this enthusiasm is infectious.

Throughout the book, Wallnau makes a number of predictions about the future of America and the world at large. These predictions are based on his interpretation of biblical prophecy and are both bold and controversial. While I do not agree with all of his conclusions, I appreciate the way he challenges readers to think critically about the issues at hand.

One of the most interesting ideas presented in this book is the concept of mountains. Wallnau argues that there are seven cultural mountains that shape society: religion, family, education, government, media, arts and entertainment, and business. He believes that in order to affect lasting change, Christians must be involved in all of these areas. This idea is both inspiring and intimidating, and left me with much to ponder.

Wallnau is not afraid to tackle controversial topics in God's Chaos Candidate. He discusses everything from the role of the church in politics to the rise of socialism in America. While I do not agree with all of his viewpoints, I appreciate the way he presents his arguments in a clear and compelling manner.

God's Chaos Candidate is a book that will challenge readers to think deeply about their faith and their place in the world. It is not a light read, but it is one that is sure to leave a lasting impression. Whether you agree with Wallnau's conclusions or not, there is no denying that his passion for his subject matter is contagious.

In conclusion, God's Chaos Candidate is a must-read for anyone who is interested in American politics and biblical prophecy. It is a book that will challenge your assumptions and make you think deeply about the issues at hand. Wallnau's writing style is engaging and thought-provoking, and his ideas are sure to spark conversations among readers. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a fresh perspective on the current state of America and the world at large.


The book “God’s Chaos Candidate” is a political commentary written by Lance Wallnau. The book discusses the rise of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate in 2016 and his eventual win. The book delves into the spiritual side of politics and how God uses imperfect people to bring about change.


Lance Wallnau is a Christian author, speaker and consultant who has written extensively on the intersection between faith and politics. He is also a prominent supporter of Donald Trump and was one of the first religious leaders to endorse him during the 2016 election. Wallnau has been a vocal advocate for the idea that Trump is a chosen candidate who will usher in a new era of American leadership.

The Rise of Trump

The book explores the reasons behind Donald Trump’s unexpected rise to the presidency. According to Wallnau, Trump’s success was due in part to his willingness to take on the political establishment and speak truth to power. Trump was able to tap into the frustrations and fears of many Americans who felt left behind by the political system.

The Spiritual Side of Politics

Wallnau argues that politics is not just a matter of policy or ideology, but also a spiritual battleground. He believes that God has a plan for America and that it involves the rise of leaders like Trump who are willing to fight for what is right. Wallnau sees Trump as a modern-day Cyrus, a biblical figure who was chosen by God to restore Israel.

The Media and the Deep State

Another major theme of the book is the role of the media and the so-called “deep state” in opposing Trump’s agenda. Wallnau argues that these forces are aligned against Trump because they fear the changes he represents. He sees Trump’s victory as a blow against the powers that be and a sign that God is at work in the world.

The Future of America

The book concludes with a discussion of what the future holds for America under Trump’s leadership. Wallnau believes that Trump will continue to face opposition from his enemies, but that he will ultimately prevail. He sees a bright future for America, with renewed prosperity and a return to traditional values.


Despite its popularity among some Christian circles, “God’s Chaos Candidate” has also been controversial. Critics have accused Wallnau of promoting a dangerous form of religious nationalism that elevates Trump to the level of a messianic figure. Some have also criticized the book for its lack of nuance and its tendency to paint Trump’s opponents in broad strokes.

The Role of Faith in Politics

Regardless of one’s opinion of “God’s Chaos Candidate,” it raises important questions about the role of faith in politics. Many Christians believe that their faith should inform their political beliefs and actions, but there is often disagreement about what that looks like in practice. Wallnau’s book is just one example of how some Christians are grappling with these issues.

The Importance of Political Engagement

One thing that “God’s Chaos Candidate” makes clear is the importance of political engagement. Whether or not one agrees with Wallnau’s views, it is clear that politics has a profound impact on our lives and our communities. As citizens, we have a responsibility to be informed, engaged, and active participants in the political process.


“God’s Chaos Candidate” is a thought-provoking book that challenges readers to consider the spiritual dimension of politics. Whether or not one agrees with Wallnau’s views, it is clear that his book has struck a chord with many Christians who see Trump’s victory as a sign of hope for America. As we continue to navigate the tumultuous waters of modern politics, it is worth considering what role faith can and should play in shaping our views and actions.

Introduction to the World of Chaos and DeitiesIn the world of gods and chaos, power is everything. Deities rule over the mortal realm, each with their own unique abilities and followers. However, within this pantheon, there are constant struggles for supremacy, with gods vying for control over the universe.It is in this world that the Chaos Candidate emerges, a new and powerful god who disrupts the natural order of things. The Chaos Candidate is the central figure in the book God's Chaos Candidate, written by Lance Wallnau. This book explores the rise of this enigmatic figure, his unorthodox methods, and the effects of his actions on mortals and immortals alike.The Rise of a New God and His FollowersThe Chaos Candidate is not your typical god. He is an outsider, coming from outside the established pantheon of deities. However, he quickly gains a following of mortals who are drawn to his unconventional methods and promises of power.The Chaos Candidate rises to power quickly, using his charisma and unconventional tactics to gain support. He promotes chaos and disruption, challenging the established order and causing turmoil among the other gods. This creates a rift within the pantheon, with some gods aligning themselves with the Chaos Candidate while others oppose him.The Struggle for Power among the PantheonWith the Chaos Candidate's rise to power comes a struggle for supremacy within the pantheon. The other gods are not willing to give up their power easily, and they begin to plot against the Chaos Candidate. This leads to a series of betrayals and alliances as the gods jockey for position.The Chaos Candidate, however, is not easily defeated. He uses his powers to manipulate events and gain the upper hand against his enemies. His followers become more fervent in their support, seeing him as a savior who will bring about a new age of power and prosperity.The Chaos Candidate and His Unconventional MethodsThe Chaos Candidate's methods are unorthodox, to say the least. He promotes chaos and disruption, challenging the established order and causing turmoil among the other gods. This creates a rift within the pantheon, with some gods aligning themselves with the Chaos Candidate while others oppose him.The Chaos Candidate's followers are drawn to his unconventional tactics, seeing them as a way to gain power and influence. However, his opponents view him as a dangerous force who threatens the stability of the universe.Despite the opposition, the Chaos Candidate continues to gain power and influence. He uses his powers to manipulate events and gain the upper hand against his enemies. His followers become more fervent in their support, seeing him as a savior who will bring about a new age of power and prosperity.The Effects of Chaos on Mortals and Immortals AlikeAs the Chaos Candidate gains power, the effects of his actions are felt throughout the universe. Mortals are caught in the crossfire of the struggle for supremacy, with wars and conflicts breaking out across the mortal realm. The Chaos Candidate's followers become more zealous, often resorting to violent means to achieve their goals.Among the immortals, the effects of chaos are just as profound. The established order is disrupted, with the pantheon torn apart by internal conflicts. Betrayals and alliances are formed, as each god seeks to gain an advantage over their rivals.The Chaos Candidate's actions also have consequences. By disrupting the natural order of things, he risks upsetting the delicate balance that exists between mortals and immortals. This could have far-reaching implications for the universe as a whole.Betrayals and Alliances in the Battle for Divine SupremacyAs the struggle for divine supremacy intensifies, alliances are formed and broken. The Chaos Candidate's followers become more zealous, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.However, not all gods are willing to align themselves with the Chaos Candidate. Some choose to remain neutral, while others actively oppose him. This leads to a series of betrayals and alliances as the gods jockey for position.The Chaos Candidate, however, is not easily defeated. He uses his powers to manipulate events and gain the upper hand against his enemies. His followers become more fervent in their support, seeing him as a savior who will bring about a new age of power and prosperity.The Role of Fate in a World of ChaosIn a world of chaos and deities, fate plays a crucial role. It is fate that guides the actions of the gods, determining their destinies and the destiny of the universe as a whole.However, the Chaos Candidate challenges the very notion of fate. He believes that he can control his own destiny, using his powers to shape the future according to his own desires.This creates a conflict between the Chaos Candidate and the other gods, who believe that fate cannot be changed. The Chaos Candidate's actions could have far-reaching implications for the universe, upsetting the delicate balance that exists between mortals and immortals.The Consequences of Defying the Natural Order of ThingsBy disrupting the natural order of things, the Chaos Candidate risks upsetting the delicate balance that exists between mortals and immortals. This could have far-reaching implications for the universe as a whole.The Chaos Candidate's actions also have consequences for himself. By challenging the established order, he risks alienating the other gods and losing their support. This could lead to his downfall, as he becomes isolated and vulnerable to attack.The Quest for Balance and Harmony in a Chaotic UniverseIn a world of chaos and deities, the quest for balance and harmony is a constant struggle. The Chaos Candidate challenges the established order, promoting chaos and disruption. However, this risks upsetting the delicate balance that exists between mortals and immortals.The other gods seek to maintain this balance, working to counteract the Chaos Candidate's actions. They believe that only through maintaining the established order can the universe remain stable and prosperous.The Legacy of the Chaos Candidate: Lessons Learned and Future ImplicationsThe Chaos Candidate's rise to power and subsequent fall has far-reaching implications for the universe as a whole. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of disrupting the natural order of things.However, it also highlights the power of unconventional methods and the potential for change in a world of chaos and deities. The Chaos Candidate's legacy serves as a reminder that anything is possible, even in the face of overwhelming odds.In conclusion, God's Chaos Candidate is a book that explores the complexities of a world of chaos and deities. It delves into the rise of a powerful new god, his unorthodox methods, and the effects of his actions on mortals and immortals alike. Through this exploration, the book provides insights into the struggle for divine supremacy, the role of fate, and the quest for balance and harmony in a chaotic universe. Ultimately, God's Chaos Candidate serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of defying the natural order of things and a reminder of the potential for change in even the most tumultuous times.

Point of View on God's Chaos Candidate Book


God's Chaos Candidate is a book written by Lance Wallnau, a prophetic speaker and leadership coach. The book analyzes the political landscape in America leading up to the 2016 presidential election and argues that Donald Trump was chosen by God to be the chaos candidate who would bring about necessary change in the nation.


  • Provides a unique perspective on the 2016 election and Trump's presidency
  • Offers insights into the role of faith in politics
  • Encourages readers to think about the bigger picture and the potential impact of political leaders
  • Written by an experienced and respected author and speaker


  • May be controversial or offensive to some readers
  • Relies heavily on biblical interpretation and prophetic language, which may not resonate with all readers
  • May oversimplify complex political issues and events
  • May not provide a balanced view of Trump's presidency and actions


God's Chaos Candidate Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
Author Lance Wallnau Michael Wolff
Perspective Pro-Trump Anti-Trump
Style Religious, prophetic language Gossipy, sensationalist
Content Analyzes the role of faith and God's plan in politics Reveals behind-the-scenes chaos and dysfunction in the Trump administration
Target Audience Conservative Christians General readers interested in politics and current events
In conclusion, God's Chaos Candidate is a book that offers a unique perspective on the 2016 election and Donald Trump's presidency. While it may not resonate with all readers, it provides valuable insights into the role of faith in politics and encourages readers to think about the potential impact of political leaders. However, it is important to consider the book's biases and potential oversimplifications when evaluating its content.

Closing Message for Blog Visitors About God's Chaos Candidate Book

Thank you for taking the time to read our review of God's Chaos Candidate book. We hope that our insights and analysis have been helpful in providing you with a better understanding of the book's content and message.

We believe that this book is an important read for anyone interested in understanding the current political climate in the United States and the role that religion plays in shaping public opinion and policy. The authors provide a unique perspective on the Trump presidency and the evangelical movement that helped to propel him to power.

As we noted in our review, the book is not without its flaws. Some readers may find the writing style to be overly academic or dense, and the authors' interpretation of events may not always align with their own personal beliefs or values. However, we believe that these shortcomings are outweighed by the book's overall contribution to the ongoing national conversation about faith and politics.

One of the most powerful aspects of God's Chaos Candidate is its exploration of the ways in which religious beliefs can shape political identity and decision-making. The authors argue that many evangelicals see themselves as cultural outsiders who are fighting against a secular society that is hostile to their values and beliefs. This sense of persecution and marginalization has led many evangelicals to embrace a politics of resentment and anger, and to view Donald Trump as a messianic figure who will protect them from the forces of liberalism and secularism.

At the same time, the book also acknowledges the deep divisions within the evangelical community itself. While many white evangelicals supported Trump in the 2016 election, a significant number of black and Latino evangelicals did not. The authors argue that this divide reflects broader racial and ethnic tensions within American society, and that the Trump presidency has brought these tensions to the surface in new and troubling ways.

Overall, we believe that God's Chaos Candidate is an important and timely book that deserves a wide readership. We encourage you to read it for yourself and to engage in the conversations and debates that it will no doubt provoke.

Thank you again for reading our review of God's Chaos Candidate. We hope that it has been informative and thought-provoking, and that it has inspired you to seek out more information about the complex and often contentious relationship between religion and politics in America today.

Remember, whether or not you agree with the authors' arguments, the importance of engaging in thoughtful and respectful dialogue on these issues cannot be overstated. Only by understanding and empathizing with those who hold different beliefs and perspectives can we hope to build a more just and inclusive society for all.

People Also Ask About God's Chaos Candidate Book

1. What is the book God's Chaos Candidate about?

The book God's Chaos Candidate is about President Donald Trump and his victory in the 2016 U.S presidential election. The author, Lance Wallnau, explores how Trump's victory was a result of divine intervention and how it relates to biblical prophecies.

2. Who is Lance Wallnau?

Lance Wallnau is a Christian author, speaker, and consultant who has written several books on leadership and spirituality. He is also a recognized expert on cultural transformation and has advised numerous businesses and organizations on leadership strategies.

3. Is God's Chaos Candidate a political book?

Yes, God's Chaos Candidate is a political book that discusses the 2016 U.S presidential election and the role of faith in politics. However, the book also delves into spiritual and religious themes, making it a unique blend of politics and spirituality.

4. What are some of the main themes of God's Chaos Candidate?

Some of the main themes of God's Chaos Candidate include the role of faith in politics, the power of prayer and divine intervention, and the idea that Trump's victory was part of a larger spiritual awakening in America.

5. What is the target audience for God's Chaos Candidate?

The target audience for God's Chaos Candidate is primarily Christian conservatives who are interested in the intersection of faith and politics. However, the book may also appeal to those interested in the 2016 U.S presidential election or those looking for a unique perspective on current events.